Our parent company, Context Labs, released the following press release on October 6th, 2020:
Distinguished thought leadership and guidance will help position Context Labs’ Immutably® Data Fabric and AlphaESG®Platform in Sustainability markets
Cambridge, MA, October 6, 2020 (Newswire) - Context Labs, the parent company of Spherical|Analytics, today announced that Curtis D. Ravenel, former global head of Sustainable Business and Finance at Bloomberg, will join the growing Context Labs/Spherical|Analytics team of Sustainable Finance industry leaders as Strategic Advisor.
Curtis D. Ravenel
Strategic Advisor, Context Labs and Spherical|Analytics
Curtis, Senior Advisor to Mark Carney, COP 26 Finance Advisor, UN Special Envoy and a member of the Secretariat of the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), will help guide and navigate the Context Labs differentiation, messaging, product packaging and delivery models. He brings decades of experience and expertise on sustainability issues for both business and finance, having served on the board of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the European Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.
Founder and CEO of Context Labs, Dan Harple, stated, “We’re ecstatic to add a thought leader and sustainability champion of Curtis’s caliber and experience to our team. He brings a wealth of experience and leadership, from his tenure at Bloomberg LP, in the Chairman’s office, launching Bloomberg’s signature ESG product, to his global thought leadership with ClimateWorks Foundation, and his work with the FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Curtis will be part of the leadership team in shaping and tuning our Immutably® Data Fabric and AI/machine-learning enabled AlphaESG® platforms to meet the ever expanding demands of ESG and Sustainable Finance markets.”
“Context Labs’ tech offerings are unique in what I have seen in the ESG alternative data markets. The ability to provide trust, provenance, and deep contextual insights on important ESG dimensions in Sustainable Finance are game changing. I look forward to working with the team and their technology to take sustainable investing to the next level”, Curtis added.
Newly appointed COO Mark McDivitt added, “With the growing demand for the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into all business and financial decisions, there was a natural fit to bring Curtis aboard to help guide the future build-out of our Asset Grade Data, Analytics and AlphaMachine® Signal offerings.”
Read the Full Release on Newswire
About Context Labs
Context Labs provides solutions for customers who demand trusted provenance in their data, tracked veracity through the data’s supply chain of use, and a requirement for trusted contextual insights. Its purpose is to provide the world’s trusted data fabric for asset grade data, using its Immutably® Data Fabric platform, deploying machine learning, and AI-driven asset grade analytics, for context-driven insights. With its subsidiary company, Spherical|Analytics, it is dedicated to sourcing, organizing, and contextualizing the world’s ESG information, enabling data to become trusted, shared, and utilized as asset grade data (AGD) providing insights and solutions through asset grade analytics (AGA), AlphaESG®, that informs markets.
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