The presence, level, and quality of potable water remains one of humanity’s greatest challenges. With groundwater aquifers and other freshwater assets under pressure across the world, virtually every public and private sector manager, investor, policymaker and regulator must have access to the most granular and accurate water intelligence available.
An accurate estimate of water security is critical to being able to predict a reliable supply of potable, affordable water.
From subsistence economies to advanced economies, water persists or has emerged, as the key to population health, economic development, and community stability.
Our Products:
Immutably™ for Climate
Learn more about Immutably™ for Climate and how asset grade data can help you and your partners better understand your impact on water.
Sustainable Development
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Your work with us to address ground water will address the following UNSDGs. Click on each icon to learn more about the goal.