Communications, energy, water and transportation infrastructure represent the first touchpoint that billions of people have with economic development and their natural resources.
With new international cyber-security threats every day and volatile climate change-induced weather changes, cities and their infrastructure will be on the frontlines in how humans respond to these cyber-risk and climate risk challenges.
But this is not a big-city topic only. These risks are often felt most acutely by those in under-served geographic areas with typically limited investment in their local infrastructure or cyber- and climate-risk trained human capital. These challenges represent opportunities for investment and improvement for those willing to contextualize their impact.
Our Products:
Immutably™ for Infrastructure
Learn more about Immutably™ for Infrastructure and how Asset Grade Data can enable new levels of disclosure and transparency required to accelerate and scale climate and cyber resilience in infrastructure.
Immutably™ for Opportunity Zones
Learn more about Immutably™ for Opportunity Zones and how asset class data can help you and your public and private sector partners better understand your opportunity to invest for impact on cities and infrastructure.
Immutably™ for Climate
Learn more about Immutably™ for Climate and how asset class data can help you better understand your impact on cities and infrastructure.
Sustainable Development
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Your work with us to address cities and infrastructure will address the following UNSDGs. Click on each icon to learn more about the goal.